Employment Workplace Relations

Director, Philip Brewin is a specialist in Workplace Relations and heads our Workplace Relations Work Group.

Corporate and Business Law

The Nevett Ford Corporate and Business Law team has a wealth of experience and expertise and have established quality relationships with clients, including many small and medium business enterprises, across a wide range of industries.

Dispute Resolution ( Litigation)

Nevett Ford has wide experience in all manner of litigation.


Mediation is a process and set of principles designed to manage and resolve disputes between parties. It is an efficient and effective method of dispute resolution that can help to preserve relationships through the intervention of a third party, known as a mediator.

Property Law

Nevett Ford has been conveying Victorian property for more than 150 years.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Want to go to the U.S.? Visit our USA Visas Experts site

Whether you plan to go to the U.S or dream of visiting, Nevett Ford is pleased to present our USA Visas Experts site filled with clear concise information on how to get to the U.S. Visit us today at usavisasexperts.

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