Tuesday 22 April 2014



When processing visa applications the Department of Immigration makes it clear that it prefers to see them "decision ready". This means that applicants need to be aware of all the criteria needed to satisfy the visa which has been applied for and then turn their minds to presenting evidence which  will support their case. 

The rationale behind the decision ready concept is obvious - the better prepared the application is, the quicker it can be processed - thereby leading to a "win win" for both the applicant and the Department.

However,  "decision ready" does not mean that an applicant should burden the Department with every bit of paper they come across in the mistaken belief that " more is better". Rather, what is necessary is to have a clear understanding of what it is necessary to show in order to establish that the applicant is entitled to a visa grant, and from there identify what evidence exists to support the claims. Sometimes it may be necessary to prepare a document summarizing the evidence which has been presented and pointing out how it satisfies the visa criteria.

Remember, the better an application is prepared, the more likely it is to obtain a quick decision and one that is in your favour.

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