Employment Workplace Relations

Director, Philip Brewin is a specialist in Workplace Relations and heads our Workplace Relations Work Group.

Corporate and Business Law

The Nevett Ford Corporate and Business Law team has a wealth of experience and expertise and have established quality relationships with clients, including many small and medium business enterprises, across a wide range of industries.

Dispute Resolution ( Litigation)

Nevett Ford has wide experience in all manner of litigation.


Mediation is a process and set of principles designed to manage and resolve disputes between parties. It is an efficient and effective method of dispute resolution that can help to preserve relationships through the intervention of a third party, known as a mediator.

Property Law

Nevett Ford has been conveying Victorian property for more than 150 years.

Monday, 24 March 2014

US immigration lawyer Melissa Vincenty joins Nevett Ford

Nevett Ford is pleased to welcome Melissa Vincenty who will lead their US immigration initiatives in Sydney. 

Melissa brings a wealth of experience having practiced US immigration law for 11 years in the US and with a leading worldwide immigration law firm for two years in Australia.

In this new role Melissa, along with Noah Klug, will provide specialist US immigration advice for our clients and the growing Sydney and Melbourne business markets.

Speaking of her move to Nevett Ford, Melissa said “I am really honoured to have joined the Nevett Ford immigration team. I look forward to working closely with our clients in crafting their immigration strategies and coming up with innovative solutions to their global mobility needs.”

David Stratton, Managing director of the firm said “
Nevett Ford is excited to add Melissa Vincenty to our immigration team.

We have a strong migration services section within our practice and the addition of Melissa’s skills to our outbound offerings is a significant step for us, particularly as it will enable us to concentrate even more on the growing and important Sydney market”.

Nevett Ford is the only law firm to have two US immigration lawyers in Australia and is best placed to respond to our client’s business needs and the growing demand in Sydney and Melbourne markets through the creation of this specialist US immigration team.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash annoucement regarding 457 visa program and Significant Investor (SIV) program

The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash announced that in light of the current inquiries into the subclass 457 visa program and the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program, the Government believes that the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration (MACSM) should be reconstituted with new terms of reference once the review reports are received.

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Sunday, 16 March 2014

DIBP surcharge to commence 22 March

From 22 March 2014, the Department is implementing changes to enable the recovery of credit card merchant fees from clients via a surcharge on credit card payments for visa application charges (VACs) and other fees and charges. The surcharge will be applied to all clients who pay VACs and other fees and charges online and those who opt to pay at a departmental office by credit card.

The surcharge will be applied to all onshore and offshore applicants.

Full details of the surcharge will be communicated on the Department's website and at counters from 22 March.

All application forms have been updated for the new surcharge arrangements and will be available from 22 March.

Nevett Ford will provide updates once more information is made available on 22 March 2014.

Skilled migration, Labor's attacks on skilled migrants, Operation Sovereign Borders, Manus Island

Interview with David Speers, Sky News, Canberra
David Speers: The Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is with me this afternoon. Thank you for your time. I want to start on the 457 visas. Unions have been expressing concern today about a loophole they say has been reopened that is going to allow more foreign workers in at a time when unemployment is rising. Explain to me exactly what the government has done here.

Minister Morrison: Well it is quite a minor change. What it involves is that when someone has already been approved to be a sponsor of 457s rather than having to go back and fill out all the paperwork again to have that renewed when they have reached a certain number of employees they can continue to do it but every single 457 employee who has been employed must satisfy all the tests that are currently required for finding an Australian do the job first. So there is no change to that.

Read the full article here

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Greater investment flexibility as government reboots significant investor visa programme

New investment options have been added for significant investor visa applicants who wish to invest through eligible managed funds, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash said today.

The additional options for investment come as the government works towards rebooting the significant investor visa programme, to ensure it produces the best possible outcomes for the nation.

Read full article here

Monday, 10 March 2014

Federal Government to introduce changes to regulations for overseas adoptions

Federal Government to introduce changes to regulations for overseas adoptions


Prime Minister Tony Abbott will slash court processes for some Australian couples trying to adopt children from overseas, in the first of a potential series of changes aimed at making overseas adoptions faster and easier.


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Australia and New Zealand Cry Out for Skilled Migrant Workers

Australia and New Zealand Cry Out for Skilled Migrant Workers

Britain has always been a strong source of skilled migrants for companies ‘Down Under’, but today the need for overseas workers is reaching a peak. With more than 60% of its business accounted for by Australia and New Zealand, 
world mover Anglo Pacific is urging candidates to seize the moment.

Read full article here

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Independent review of 457 visa programme

The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, announced an independent review into the Subclass 457 visa programme.

Read full article here

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