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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Changes to Employer Nominated Permanent Residence (subclass 186 visa)

In addition to the 457 changes recently and unexpectedly announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the Permanent Employer Sponsored Skilled Migration Program will also undergo a number of changes. The 457 visa has historically been a pathway to Australian Permanent Residence under this program.

From 19 April 2017

  • Applicants under the Direct Entry Stream will only be eligible to apply if their nominated occupation is on the MLTSSL or STSOL
  • Applicants under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream can still apply as usual (even if their nominated occupation is no longer on the STSOL or MLTSSL)
From 1 July 2017

  • Occupation lists: The STSOL and MLTSSL will be further reviewed based on advice from the Department of Employment and Department of Education and Training
  • English language requirements: A score of IELTS 6 in each component will be required (or equivalent test)
  • Age: Applicants under the Direct Entry Stream must be under the maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application. The maximum age requirement of 50 at the time of application will continue to apply to applicants under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream
From March 2018

  • Salary: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), currently $53,900 excluding superannuation
  • Residency: The eligibility period under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream will be extended from 2 years to 3 years
  • Work experience: At least 2 years of post- qualification relevant work experience will be required
  • Age: All applicants (under both the Temporary Residence Transition Stream and Direct Entry Stream) must be under the maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application
  • Training requirement: Strengthened training requirement for employers to contribute towards training Australian workers
Who is affected?

It is expected that further details and clarifications to be announced by the Government over the coming weeks. 
Individuals who were preparing an application under the Direct Entry Stream and their occupation has now been removed - No longer eligible under the Direct Entry Stream
Individuals turning 45 years old - From 1 July 2017, applicants under the Direct Entry Stream must be under 45 years at time of application. From March 2018, all applicants must be under 45 years at time of application.
Individuals who were preparing applications under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream - Minimal impact if lodged before March 2018 (although new English language requirement applies from 1 July 2017).
Please contact Nevett Ford immigration lawyers to discuss your individual circumstances by telephone + 61 3 9614 7111.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

What are the impacts of the 457 visa changes?

In Summary, the 457 visa changes have substantial effects:

1) Lodged applications for 457 visas for over 216 occupations are being declined retrospectively
2) The difficulty of obtaining short term and medium term 457 visas has increased
3) Permanent residency applications for short term occupations are blocked
4) Strict caveats for many skilled occupations are now enforced and include
- specialised job duties
- minimum levels of work experience
- new maximum age restriction
- increased English skill requirement
- limitations of the exercise of specific jobs to certain regional areas
- specific minimum market salary rates set individually for each occupation
- sponsor's minimum annual turnover and staffing levels criteria for sponsors.

Pptions moving forward?

Has your occupation been removed from the 457 Occupation List?
If your occupation has been removed from the 457 skilled occupation list, we recommend that you consider alternative pathways to a working visa within Australia and contact us now to discuss your personal situation.

Are you currently on a 457 VISA?

Even if you are currently on a 457 Visa, the changes to the 457 visa apply if your occupation has been removed from the skilled occupation lists.

If you are currently on a 457 Visa and your occupation is not listed on the new skilled occupation list, you will not be able to apply for a renewal of your visa and will need to apply for Permanent Residency.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Fast food businesses will no longer be able to bring in foreign workers on 457 visa

The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton announced recently that the government has ended the Fast Food Industry Labour Agreement which saw hundreds of foreign workers take jobs at fast food outlets across Australia.


McDonalds, Hungry Jack’s and KFC will be barred from sponsoring foreign workers on 457 visas, which are intended to fill temporary skill shortages. This will provide more career opportunities for Australian workers, particularly young Australians.


The Coalition Government is committed to implementing reforms that strengthen Australia's skilled migration programme to ensure overseas workers supplement rather than provide a substitute for Australian workers


Therefore Australia has introduced a new work visas from November 2016. The new visa subclasses would allow applicants to enter Australia for temporary work or a specified activity.


As a result, those currently working in fast food chains on 457 visa will be forced to leave Australia once their agreements run out unless the restaurant is able to present an individual case as to why they should remain in the country.


Businesses will be allowed to request for foreign workers in exceptional circumstances and businesses can still make requests under normal labour agreement arrangements to ensure that exceptional circumstances can be considered.


Genuine business needs for overseas workers which contribute to economic growth will still be considered


The debate on 457 visas which allows employers to bring in skilled workers from abroad has gained momentum recently with the Australian government undertaking a review of the list of occupations available for the application of 457 visa.